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Cheerleading Frequently Asked Questions

At what age can my child play?

All ages are welcome to cheer with Waverly Hall! Girls are not restricted to an age group if they would like to cheer for a sibling’s football team.


Football has 4 teams:

5&6 year olds

7&8 year olds

9&10 year olds

11-13 year olds

How much does it cost to cheer?

$135. This includes registration and cheer uniform.

When does cheerleading season begin?

Registration 7 July to 1 September. Cheer camp and practices begin the first week of August. Games begin near the end of August.

When does cheerleading season end?

Cheerleading season ends mid November.

What does my child need in order to participate?

All cheerleaders need sneakers (preferably white) and socks. No sandals or flip flops will be allowed at practices or games.


During colder games, it will be suggested that your child wears black tights or leggings, and a black long sleeved shirt under the uniform.

Where do practices typically take place?

The cheer camp location is TBD. All practices take place at the Waverly Hall tennis courts at Perkins Park.

How often will my child practice?

Practices are typically held 1 - 2 nights a week on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday from 6:30 – 7:30. When the season begins, practices will most likely end.

On what days are games typically held?

Game days will be held on either but not all of the following:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

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