Baseball/Softball Frequently Asked Questions
At what age can my child play?
Your child can start playing Tee-ball at the age of 4.
Harris County Little League offers the following:
Pre Tee Ball (4-5 yr olds)
Tee Ball (5-6 yr olds)
Coach Pitch "C League" Baseball (6-8 yr olds)
Minor "B League" Baseball (8-11 yr olds)
Major "A League" Baseball (9-12 yr olds)
Jr/Sr Baseball (13-16 yr olds)
Coach Pitch Softball
Minor Softball
Major Softball
Jr/Sr Softball (13-16 yr olds)
All overlapping ages will depend on skill set and experience to determine which group they fall into.
How much does it cost to play baseball/softball?
Registration Fee is $50.00.
Cost of the uniform will vary between age groups.
When does baseball/softball season begin?
Registration for baseball/softball starts around the middle of January.
Opening day is usually mid-March.
The regular season ends mid-May.
When does baseball/softball season end?
The regular season is usually over around the middle May.
What equipment does my child need in order to participate?
Your child will need cleats, a glove, and a batting helmet.
Bats are optional, most teams have plenty of bats to accommodate the team.
Where do practices typically take place?
Practice for t-ball and c-ball will be held behind city hall or at Pine Ridge Elementary.
B-ball and a-ball will practice at the baseball field in Waverly Hall.
How often will we practice?
The younger kids (t-ball and c-ball) will typically practice 2-3 days a week.
The older kids(b-ball and a-ball) usually practice 3-5 days a week.
On what days are games typically held?
Game days will be held on either but not all of the following:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
Where can I find the game schedule and the latest standings?
CLICK HERE to find the game schedule and latest standings.
How do I know if a game is cancelled due to weather?
You can call the Parent Hotline at (706)610-0989 to get the latest information on field conditions, rainouts, or other league news.
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